Preliminary impression (mandible)
1 The purpose of preliminary impression
2 Preliminary impression technique with alginate impression material
3 Atlas of clinical preliminary impression technique
(1)Positioning/(2)Pre-operative care for the patient’s lip/(3)Preparation for trying trays/(4)Variety of trays and
selection/(5)Trying in trays/(6)Tray shape adjustment/(7)Preparation for impression taking procedure/(8)Mixing
impression/(9)Impression taking/(10)Tray removal/(11)Completion of the alginate impression/(12)Verifi cation of the
impression, trimming impression and drawing outer border
Preliminary impression (maxilla)
1 Preliminary impression on maxilla requires higher skill than preliminary impression on mandible
2 Atlas of preliminary impression technique on maxilla
(1)Positioning/(2)Preparation of trying trays/(3)Tray trying in/(4)Tray shape adjustment/(5)Impression taking/
(6)Tray remova/(7)Completion of maxillary alginate preliminary impression/(8)Final check up of the impression and
trimming, marking the border/(9)Management of gag refl ex
Study model fabrication
1 The purpose of analyzing study model for the restorative procedure
2 Study model fabrication technique
(1)Check alginate impression for accuracy/(2)Closing the lingual space on the mand impression/(3)Preparation to
pouring stone/(4)Pouring stone/(5)Molding/(6)Consideration during setting stone/(7)Completion of fabricating
study models
Selection of articulator
1 What is articulator? Types and selection
(1)Basic principles of articulator/(2)Typical types of semi-adjustable articulator and facebow installation method
Facebow transfer
1 Defi nition of facebow transfer
2 Facebow transfer technique
(1)Determine and mark reference points/(2)Preparation on the bite fork/(3)Bite fork clasping and stabilization/
(4)The facebow placement
Mounting maxillary model on the articulator by using facebow transfer
1 The concept of mounting model on the articulator
2 The method of mounting maxillary model on the articulator
3 The basic knowledge for mounting mandibular model
4 The actual clinical procedure of mounting maxillary model
(1)Facebow set up in the standard semi-adjustable articulators/(2)The advice to avoid bite fork registration distortion/
(3)Actual maxillary model mounting procedure by using facebow
Interocclusal record in intercuspal position and mounting mandibular model
1 The purpose of interocclusal record
2 The common clinical interocclusal position
3 The material for the interocclusal record
4 The important point of interocclusal record with paraffi n wax
(1)Preparation for interocclusal record with wax/(2)Interocclusal record of maximum intercuspation with wax record/
(3)Important point for interocclusal record with wax and improve accuracy
5 The important point of interocclusal record with silicone material
(4)Interocclusal record in maximum intercuspal position with silicone bite registration material/(5)The important point
for interocclusal record with silicone bite registration material and improve accuracy
6 Mounting models on the articulator with patient’s maximum intercuspation
(1)Confi rmation of the maximum intercuspation accuracy without interocclusal record/(2)Confi rmation of the maximum
intercuspation accuracy with using interocclusal record/(3)Stabilization method of the models held in maximum
intercuspation/(4)Model mounting method by using hands/(5)Completion of mounting models on the articulator
Model examination
1 Preparation to the model examination
2 The model examination after mounting those on the articulator (Not as same as the occlusal examination)
3 Actual model examination
(1)Model preparation/(2)Frontal view examination/(3)Sagittal view examination/(4)Occlusal view examination/
(5)Examination with intra oral photos and x-rays
Treatment planning
1 Purpose of establishing treatment plan
2 Necessary elements for restorative treatment planning
(1)Understand treat plan sequence and related elements/(2)Essential examinations and diagnosis for establishing
prosthetic treatment plan/(3)Configuration of treatment planning/(4)Prosthesis selection for tooth restoration and
missing teeth restoration
Principle of tooth preparation
1 Defi nition of tooth preparation
2 Unifi cation of tooth preparation terminology-margin and fi nish line
3 Biological requirement for tooth preparation
(1)Pulpal protection/(2)Understanding preservation of tooth structure
4 Importance of having harmony between tooth preparation and gingival health
(1)Periodontium harmony
The preparation of mandibular molar full coverage crown
1 The right posture of tooth preparation
2 The actual mandibular molar tooth preparation
(1)Overall image of full coverage tooth preparation/(2)Application of occlusal guide groove/(3)Occlusal reduction/
(4)Guide groove application on the buccal axial wall and tooth reduction/(5)Guide groove application on mandibular
lingual wall and tooth reduction/(6)Contact area reduction/(7)Whole axial walls and fi nishing line preparation/(8)
Evaluation of preparation/(9)Finalization and polish
The preparation of maxillary molar full coverage crown
1 Understand the theory of maxillary molar full coverage crown preparation
2 Actual clinical procedure of maxillary molar full coverage crown
(1)The operator’s position and patient’s head position/(2)Create occlusal guide grooves/(3)Occlusal reduction/
(4)Buccal and lingual surface guide groove and reduction/(5)Interproximal contact area reduction/(6)Overall axial
reduction and creating fi nish line/(7)Finalization and polish
The preparation of anterior porcelain fused metal (PFM)crown
1 The actual preparation of maxillary anterior porcelain fused metal crown
(1)The operator’s position/(2)Incisal guide groove/(3)Buccal axial guide groove and tooth reduction/(4)Interproximal
contact reduction/(5)Palatal axial guiding groove and tooth reduction/(6)Palatal concavity preparation/(7)Overall
axial reduction and fi nish line preparation/(8)Finalization and polish
The preparation of maxillary premolar PFM (full bake)crown
1 The actual preparation of maxillary premolar PFM (full bake) crown
(1)The operator’s position/(2)Application of occlusal guide grooves/(3)Occlusal reduction/(4)Buccal axial guide
grooves and reduction/(5)Palatal axial guide grooves and reduction/(6)Interproximal reduction/(7)Overall axial
preparation/(8)Finish line preparation/(9)Finalization and polish
The preparation of mandibular premolar PFM (partial bake) crown
1 The actual preparation of mandibular premolar PFM (partial bake) crown
(1)The operator’s position/(2)Occlusal guide grooves and reduction/(3)Bucco-lingual axial guide groove and reduction/
(4)Interproximal area preparation/(5)Overall axial preparation and fi nalization
The preparation of porcelain laminate veneer (PLV)
1 Summary of PLV and indication
2 Actual PLV preparation
(1)The operator’s position/(2)Anatomical evaluation of the target tooth and silicone index fabrication/(3)Buccal guide
groove application/(4)Buccal tooth structure reduction/(5)Interproximal and incisal tooth reduction/(6)Finalization
and polish/(7)Case presentation