Autotransplantation of teeth

Autotransplantation of teeth

- Revised 2nd edition -

[著] Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi [著] Yosuke Tsukiboshi [著] Taisuke Tsukiboshi [著] Nozomu Yamauchi
A4判 / 272ページ
2024-06-10 発売

定価 17,600円(税込)

(本体 16,000円+税10%)



(翻訳の原典より)保存的で生物学的許容性の高い歯科治療を示す「シリーズ MIに基づく歯科臨床」の第4弾の英語訳。自家歯牙移植の創傷の治癒、適応症、術式、予後(術後経過)をわかりやすくまとめ、多くの歯科医師(とくに臨床家)が正しい知識と理解をもつための一助となる本。自家歯牙移植を理解するために必要な治癒機転、多くの保存的な適応症と詳しい術式、多種類の移植の流れをアトラス形式でみることができる。

This comprehensive revised second edition summarizes wound healing, indications, surgical procedures, and the prognosis (postoperative course) of autologous tooth transplantation in an easy-to-understand manner. The book gives all dentists, especially clinicians, the necessary knowledge and understanding of the subject. The authors have attempted to explain the healing process of autologous tooth transplantation in an easy-to-understand format using as many illustrations as possible. In the section on indications and techniques (treatment flow), many indications and conservative techniques are presented in detail in an atlas format. In addition, the authors have tried to introduce many types of transplantation procedures that can be performed in a variety of situations. Many long-term postoperative cases are presented to enable the reader to understand the prognosis of transplantation not only statistically but also clinically.